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Generate high quality terrain from heightmaps!
[Image: img5.png?raw=true]

Heightmap2bls is an external python command line tool for generating .bls save files from 8-bit greyscale heightmap images.
It also supports automatically colorizing the map if a colored png is provided!
(If you want to use this tool, you need Python 3!)
Main features:
  • Generate maps from 2d images!
  • Use custom colorsets
  • Automatically color the map using the closest color
  • Arbitrarily rescale all 3 axis of the map (x, y, z)!
  • Optionally fill in vertical gaps
  • Perform basic brick optimization
  • Load custom brick files (defined in JSON)
  • Hotswap save files (kind of Cool )
  • Define the map's step (minimum height difference between layers)
  • Sit a map on the ground (if your heightmap doesn't have any pitch-black spots)
  • PROTOTYPE GUI! <--- If you have previously used the software, you will need to follow the setup instructions again.
Sample command on windows:
python -hm res/heightmap.png --bricks res/terrainBricks.json --gapfill --optimize  --ground -x 400 -y 400 -z 90
This will generate a bls save file using "heightmap.png" for elevation data, use a custom brick set file, fill in any vertical gaps, try optimize the brickcount where possible, set the map on the ground and rescale it to 400x400x90!
See the github page for full usage guidelines!

What it looks like:
[Image: hm2blsGUI.png?raw=true]
What it can do:
[Image: fuji2.png?raw=true]
[Image: grand_canyon9.png?raw=true]

[Image: lake_windermere1.png?raw=true]

[Image: torotoro7.png?raw=true]

(Includes Bonus brickpacks 4n8brickH and 4n8brickT in the res folder!)
Looks great.  Do you have any thoughts on including ModTer support in the future for smoother looking maps?  It'd mainly be for vehicles to be able to drive around.
(01-20-2025, 12:14 PM)Eagle517 Wrote: Looks great.  Do you have any thoughts on including ModTer support in the future for smoother looking maps?  It'd mainly be for vehicles to be able to drive around.

I haven't really thought of adding it before, but I do like the idea and it'll definitely be one of the long-term goals for the tool.

As it is right now, my priorities are cleaning up the code base (very messy as is), adjusting how it calculates brick coordinates (i made some wrong assumptions about how the game handles brick positions, only realized after watching Divark's video about schematic2bls) and adding a GUI to make the tool more accessible.
Free time's a bit tight right now as I'm finishing up college and hopefully starting a job soon, but when I get the chance I'll work on the tool.

Would also be cool to get some user feedback to make sure things are working as expected. Big Grin
This is an amazing job. Hoping to see more of your works here!
terrain is finally back
Version 0.3.0 released, now with a GUI!
Just a prototype I threw together to save me the headache of typing out long commands, but it should be able to do anything the CLI tool can do.